Equipment. Parts. Support.

We are here to support you with the tools you need to succeed in your business venture. Our founder co-owned one of the first Cryotherapy retail businesses in the US and has distributed and serviced Cryotherapy devices for 12 years. All staff and associates have either worked in or started their own Cryotherapy business to ensure the information we provide has real-world application.


NEO | Light Bed

Certified Used

There is plenty of pre-owned equipment on platforms such as Ebay or Craigslist. While one may find a "gem" among them there is really no guarantee for the buyer.

The pre-owned equipment we sell on this site has been evaluated and completely refurbished (if applicable) by our technicians in our Los Angeles based workshop. We work directly with the manufacturers and represent them as US distributors. This means we can guarantee the equipment and offer continued support beyond the purchase. This is why the number of brands on this site is limited: We only sell items we fully stand behind and which we know we can support for years to come.

NEO | Light

Next Level Photobiomodulation (Red/Infrared Light Therapy)

The NEO Light Bed incorporates the latest innovations in light therapy at a price point that has business owners and ROI in mind. The bed is easy to use with its 4 pre-set modes, each of which can be fully customized.

FEATURED: Electric Cryotherapy

Nitrogen vs Electric has been debated since the first providers entered the US in ca 2008. Our opinion is that the future will surely lean towards fully electric devices. However these may not be for everyone at this point, similar to the electric car industry. Spending over a decade in the industry as distributor and manufacturer we determined that MECOTEC Germany has the best equipment available today. MECOTEC chambers can be completely customized and there are different models for home and commercial use. Please contact us for a quick consultation.